Monday, December 7, 2009

The next few posts.

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This post is about the next few posts. It's pretty much only so that I can remember what I want to post about as I get off topic and go totally off course in my head. So, I would LIKE to make the next few posts about:

1) buying puppies and kittens from pet stores and "breeders" vs breeders. Subjects include, obviously, "breeders" vs breeders; the things pet store employees don't tell you (and the things they really don't know, ie: a BREEDER will NOT sell a puppy or kitten to a pet store whereas a "breeder" will sell to anything or anyone); puppy mills; "new breeds" vs real breeds (ie: anything ending in "doodle" and other "new"[read: fake] suffixes)

2) feeding your pets properly and for optimum health, most importantly CATS, 'cause they are true carnivores and the hardest to get the diet right on, unless you literally feed your cat a steady diet of whole rodents and small birds. trust me - unless you've done real research on feeding your pets, you're gonna be surprised by what you read and probably horrified that you've been feeding your pet garbage for so long... if you pay attention, that is.

3) things about people that bother me, and how i want to fix awkward young people everywhere, as well as conform all new animal shelter volunteers to the mould i am in the midst of creating in my head.

i hope you read them and don't end up deciding that you don't like me anymore... :)



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