Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Dogs


So, these are my dogs. They're all rescued, they're all cute, and they're all annoying as f***.
This first one  here on the right is Nikita. She's my baby. She was the second dog I got (Brody was first) after moving out on my own, and I did not choose her... she most certainly chose me. Long story. Anyway, she's the one who mothers the kittens.

This is Toretto. He's my foster pitty who has to be adopted outside of Ontario 'cause of that stupid breed ban. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He's a freakin' baby. He's so nice to my cats, so nice to my dogs, so nice to... well... everyone! Just a seriously loving little cuddlemonster.

Ahh... my little Mr. Brody.
He was my first dog once I got out of my parents' place. He's the devil. Very smart, very evil. Very loving. Very adorable. Very... lazy. 


... Second Post!


So I'm currently fostering a family of orphaned kittens. They're two weeks old or so and their mama was hit by a car :( poor things. They need to be bottle fed every few hours, burped and then 'stimulated'... the most unfortunate part of it. Fortunately, my dog, Nikita, has decided to take on that last one, by licking the little bums to make them pee and poop since they can't do it on their own until about 3 weeks. She has that motherly instinct, and I'm totally grateful.

On Sunday night, one of the kittens, Firefly, stopped eating. She didn't eat for over 24 hours and lost about 40 grams of weight in one day, which is about how much she's supposed to be GAINING per day. She's now being syringe-fed, half by force, and half on her own (thank goodness - she's a little hungry now). She has since gained back about 50 grams... YAY FIREFLY! It's amazing to me how fast they drop and add weight. Ohhh, the miracle of life!

Photos of kittens to come. They are as follows, as of this afternoon:

Jag - male brown/black tabby with white - 475 grams 
Tiger - female brown/black tabby with white - 390 grams
Cheetah - female brown tabby - 305 grams
Cricket - male solid grey - 295 grams
Firefly - female solid grey - 235 grams

Wish us luck... very often, orphaned kittens don't make it. I've only had them for 4 days... 


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

FIrst Post!


Sup y'all?! 

After many, many years on the internet, I have finally caved and gotten a blog. We all think it won't happen to us, and then suddenly it just DOES! Damn you, oh evil, sneaky internet! You've done it to me again!!

Aaaaaaaanyway, this blog is probably gonna be totally randomly updated, rarely interesting and almost certainly irrelevant (to, like, everything), and yet somehow I feel compelled to create it anyway and develop a following, no matter how small.  I have some interesting plans for the future and I almost always have some cute pictures to post, since I work at an animal shelter and have a wicked camera.

I will now make with the creation of my first second post, so that it at least looks like I have more stuff on the page and so that I can get a better feel of the layout and how it's gonna look!